Term 4, Week 2, 2023
Principal's Message

We do whatever it takes to lead the way in Love, Learning, Faith, School Spirit, Sport & Community
Dear families & friends,
World Educators Day next Friday 27 October
We have a crew here at SMP that deeply loves and cares for your kids. We work tirelessly to be our best for the kids and the community.
We don’t look for the easy option but have the wellbeing and education of your kids always at the forefront of what we do. Being a teacher in today's climate is far from easy or simplistic. So please consider showing appreciation if you feel warranted for any of our educators here next Friday, possibly even educators that made a profound difference for you in your life too. I thank my crew for the blessing that they are to the kids and community of Casino. We also remember Legends like the Mercy Sisters, Charlie Cox & Mary Mackillop who have paved the way and inspired us. We hope to follow in their footsteps. Our kids can wear a different hat to school to celebrate 'Hats off for Teachers' this World Teachers Day. Let's celebrate all the love, care, learning and dedication our crew gives each and every day to our SMP kids.
Classes Next Year
We are busy organising teachers for classes next year and soon our staff and I will be placing kids in these classes. I aim to have teachers on grades and communicate this by around the end of Week 6. There are always changes being made at the last minute. Students will know their teacher for next year towards the end of the term. This is a big process that involves great discernment and discussion in order to put teachers on the best suited grade, in the best suited team and kids with the teacher and students we best feel meets their needs. I have been here for 9 years now and am pleased with my crew as we have grown and developed together.
Like previous years, except in special circumstances, we will be reluctant to grant the choice of teacher you would like for your child. I must thank our parent body as I only receive a few genuine requests each year. If you do have something you think I should know about that may impact, then please contact me ASAP (the school email address or phone call) as I wish to ensure we set the students and teachers up for success. We have been very pleased with how our students have responded to their teachers this year, so please continue to have faith in our professional judgment. You would be amazed at how long it takes to come up with these lists with the complexities of learning ability levels, behaviours, suitability, family situations etc. We have a holistic approach to what we do here to ensure consistency within a grade and throughout the school.
- Christmas Carols Concert - Thursday 23 November 6.00pm - 7.00pm
- Student Free Day- Friday 24 November
- Going Up Day - Monday 11 December
Plans Ahead
- The teachers for next year will be decided upon and shared with the community around Week 6 in the Newsletter.
- Classes will be known by the last Monday of the schooling year at the latest, possibly before to share with our kids.
- A new syllabus in English and Mathematics is coming in 2024 for Years 3-6. We are preparing well for this .
- We have learnt so much in regards to Explicit & Direct instruction and its success in teaching and learning. More plans and information to be shared around this.
Take care
John O’Brien
Assistant Principal's News - Mission

Mr & Mrs O’Brien on Leave
We wish Mr and Mrs O’Brien all the best on their well deserved leave for the next 4 weeks. There is no one who deserves a long break more than Mr O’Brien who spends countless hours before and after school as well as on weekends planning and organising so many great initiatives for our kids at SMP. We pray they have a happy and safe holiday.
Mrs Wilde and myself will both be sharing the running of the school in Mr O’Brien’s absence.
Friday Church Visits
All students will have 2-3 visits to the church to participate in a Liturgy of the Word during Term 4 which will be celebrated by Fr Peter. We will send parent invitation letters home the week before your child has their visit as we would love to have as many parents and family members come along to celebrate as well. Dates are below that you are more than welcome to attend:
- Friday 27 October: 1.00pm - 1.45pm (K, Y1 & Y2) and 2.10pm - 3.10pm (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6)
- Friday 3 November: 10.00am - 10.45am (Kinder, Years 1, 2 & 3)
- Friday 1 December: 1.00pm - 1.45pm (Years 4, 5 & 6)
3:16 Church Youth Group
One again this term, St Mary’s Catholic College have offered to run an after school youth group at the church for our Years 2-6 students that focuses on bringing kids together for fun, food and understanding about God in their lives. The program is called “ThreeSixTeen” and will be coordinated by College teacher Mahaila Day and supported by youth ministry officers and high school students. The idea of the session is for students to have lots of fun and participate in enjoyable activities.
ThreeSixTeen will be held 2 times in Term 4 after school from 3.30pm - 5.00pm (see dates below). To support the running of this program, a teacher from our school would collect the students after school on the Friday, walk them to the church and stay until the end of the session. Parents would be required to pick their child up from the church at 5.00pm.
- Friday 20 October (today)
- Friday 1 December
Matty King Cup
Unfortunately, the NRL have cancelled the Matty King Cup for 2023. We spent plenty of time in the holidays trying to find an alternative for our students. We weren’t able to organise an alternative date for our students to play any other schools due to clash of dates which often happens during Term 4. The heat also places a big challenge on those trying to organise events due to our WH&S requirements we must adhere to.
School Jackets
All orders have been placed for those that were fully paid at the school office. We will put a message out on Compass once they are ready to be collected (likely toward the end of school year).
Child Safeguarding Website
The Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Limited (DLCSL) has launched a Child Safeguarding website as part of our commitment to implementing the Child Safe Standards. It contains information on Child Safe Standards, our Commitment Statement, a contact form for concerns or inquiries, and other useful links and resources.
The website can also be accessed through the "Parent Information" tab on our school website. We encourage you to visit the website to understand our commitment to building a school where every child feels valued, heard, and protected.

Socktober & World Teachers' Day - Friday 27 October
Socktober is a super fun month where students around Australia participate in initiatives to raise awareness and money for kids in need all around the world. Socktober is organised by a group named Caritas, who are a Catholic charity group that helps people in tough situations.
In the past couple of years, we have made Sockballs to help raise money and awareness for Caritas. This year we are going to do things a little differently as we will be wearing our Craziest Hats & Socks on Friday 27 October (Week 3) and donating a Gold Coin to help support Caritas.
Miss Mac has also organised the Year 6 Mini Vinnies and a few other helpers to run some fun stalls on our Socktober celebration day. These may include games, lolly stalls and challenge type activities. Students are more than welcome to bring in a few extra coins to spend at these stalls. All money raised goes to Caritas.
On the same day, we also celebrate World Teachers' Day. To recognise this, all students are asked to wear a different, casual hat to celebrate the theme for WTD which is "Hats off to Teachers".

AFL Auskick
Auskick is coming to St Mary’s in Term 4 on a Thursday afternoon at school from 3.15pm - 4.15pm. Auskick will be running a 5-week program that costs only $40. Those who register will receive an AFL footy plus more. Flyers will be sent out next week to those students who expressed an interest. See website below for more details.
Bushfire Parent Information from the CSO
Many Catholic schools in the Diocese of Lismore are currently impacted by smoke haze due to bushfire events. Bushfires can result in a large amount of smoke particles in the air even when fires may be many kilometres away.
Please monitor your child for any potential health implications. Signs and symptoms students may experience include runny nose, itchy or burning eyes, headaches, coughing, throat irritation and shortness of breath. For families of students with asthma, respiratory illness or heart conditions, please be reminded to consider your child's current health condition, ensure they carry relieving medication with them. Please contact the school if you have any concerns about your child being at school.
Communicating with your child during this time is important. Discussing being prepared for natural hazards, such as bushfires, is not harmful to your child, but avoiding conversations can leave them to worry on their own.
Emerging Minds provides the following tips:
● Your child may have already been exposed to media coverage or heard conversations about the bushfires. Finding out what they already know will help you to address their specific worries and concerns.
● Tell your child that disasters can happen and if all members of the family know what to do, it will help everyone keep safe. It’s important for adults to stay calm and speak with confidence when discussing the family emergency plan. This will help to reduce your child’s worries.
● Allow your child to ask any questions or make any comments they may have about disaster preparedness. This will help you to understand what needs clarification and dispel any misconceptions they may have.
● Assure your child that with preparedness, things will be less scary and a lot safer.
Involving your child in the planning can make your child feel more able to deal with a bushfire threat and feel safe and secure in knowing that you have a plan. Your child will know that even if they are affected by a disaster, you and your family will use your resources to work together. For information on how to make a Bushfire Family Plan go to NSW Rural Fire Service.
Sam Irvine
Assistant Principal - Mission
Assistant Principal's News Teaching & Learning

Dear Families,
Welcome to Term 4. I truly cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by.
Success Criteria were sent home last week for families to better understand exactly what your children are working on for the upcoming term. These are a great resource for supporting conversations with your child about what they are currently learning and how they are doing. It is also handy for those who would like to be doing their own home learning with their children, as this can support you in finding activities that link to exactly what they are currently learning in class.
You will receive your first Term 4 updates on how your child is going with these Success Criteria in Week 5 and again at the end of the term. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about these or if you did not receive a copy.
Questacon Science Circus is coming to SMP!
We are very excited to announce that the Questacon Science Circus is coming to our school as part of their North Coast Tour. All classes will get to be a part of the fun and engaging Science activities on offer. These will take place in the Relihan Centre on Monday 6 November for K-3 and Wednesday 8 November for Yrs 4-6. This is a free incursion for all our students.
If you would like to experience this fun with your children, or know others who would enjoy this engaging activity, Questacon is having a "Pop Up" experience on Tuesday 7 November at the Casino Indoor Sports Stadium from 4.00pm - 7.00pm. This is a free event for all families, but bookings are essential. If you would like a ticket to this event please book here: ️ https://premier.ticketek.com.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Felicity Wilde
AP Teaching & Learning

K-2 Instructional Leader

Helping Your Child Build Their Vocabulary
This year we have focussed on vocabulary development based on two things: understanding words when others use them (receptive word knowledge) and using words to express ideas when talking or writing (expressive word knowledge).
This week Year 2- Year 6 students have participated in a PAT Vocabulary assessment that aims to track their knowledge and growth in this area.
You can help your child at home by:
- Explaining subject-specific words.
- Discuss the appearance, actions and personalities of characters from books you read together using describing words (adjectives).
- Playing word games where your child identifies opposite words (antonyms) and similar words (synonyms) to expand their vocabulary and language skills.
Karen Faber
K-2 Instructional Leader
Sport News

On Friday 13 October students attended the Polding Athletics at Homebush in Sydney. Congratulations to the junior boys' relay team coming third in their race. They will be going onto the NSWPSSA State Athletics Championships held at Homebush, Sydney on the 25/26 October.
Well done to Marley Botfield, Eva Crompton, Rocco Jenkins, Marcos Barber, Chase Roberts, Finnan Martin, Jonah Vakararawa, Thomas McCormack, Chase Anderson and Teo Stavenow for leading the way in sport!

Swimming Timed Heat Finals - Monday 20 November
On Monday 20 November, we will be holding the timed heat finals for the following events:
- 4 x 50m Individual Medley Junior (8-10yo) and Senior (11-12yo)
- 100m Freestyle Junior and Senior
- 50m Butterfly Junior and Senior
As we cannot run these events on the day of our carnival (4/12/23), we will be running timed heats (NO FINALS). We do require parent helpers on the day to help out.
On Compass, a Google Form will be sent out next week to nominate for these events. These events are only for those students who are competitive swimmers.
School Swimming Carnival (Years 3 - 6) Monday 4 December
Our Year 3 - Year 6 Swimming Carnival will be held on Monday 4 December. This is a compulsory school event.
Where: Casino Memorial Pool
When: Monday 4 December
There is also an option for Years 1 & 2 swimmers to attend the carnival as well. They must be competitive swimmers with some experience e.g. involved in a Swimming Club and can swim 50m competitively. More information will be provided closer to the date.
Jack Fiedler
Sports Co-ordinator
Student of the Month & Learner Achievement Awards ~ 15 September 2023
Class | Student of the Month | Learning Achievement |
KNorth | Cohen Cox | Kyle Newby |
KEast | Thea Clark | Mackenzie Ferguson |
KSouth | Annabelle Trustum | |
KWest | Anastacia Innes | Ariel Bell |
1North | Chloe King | Rian Stokes |
1East | Mila Farr | Frejya Love |
1South | Nate Want | Eyla-May Burnie |
2North | Daisy Dougherty | Hayden Murray |
2East | Nate Ludlow | Jaxon Wills |
2South | Ryder Birney | Chloe Clark |
2West | Bentley Mathias | Jack Morton |
3North | Austin Stephens | Jacob Convine |
3East | Marcos Barber | Bonnie Pearce |
3South | Connor Farrelly | Samantha Zhou |
4North | Telijah MacMahon | Oscar Piccoli |
4East | Joseph Handran | Gabriel Esteban |
4South | Bronte McIntyre | Billy Stavenow |
5North | Charlie Wu | Elaina Underhill |
5East | Annabelle Winters | Axel Smith |
5South | Lawson Bennett | Dallas Murphy |
6North | Daisy Hendley | Eli Cottam-Harris |
6East | Angelina Nuccio | Blake Newby |
6South | Millie Trustum | Zander McCloy |
Happy birthday t0 Miley Gooley
Lacey Russell
Mylo Hilton
Lilly Latta
Ella Limberiou
Zac Northfield
Bobby Botfield
Claire Claydon
Harriett McLennan
Nate Bennett
Cate McElligott
Ava Armstrong
Darcy Trevillien
Adeline Jones
Angus McMillan
Andre Monks
Ashton Presbury
Tilly Cowan
Caleb Law
Abigail Brooks
Connor Clark
Zoe Northfield
Takoda MacMahon
Alice Appleby
Athena Brown
Charlie Campbell
Azaleia Reid
Skylar Durand
Pheobe Short
Oskar Garsden-Williams
Elleanor Sterchi
Brooke Young
Genevieve Hines
Libby Johnston
Maddox Ring
Chelsea Rose
Reagan Fraser
Gabrielle Grayson
Jacob Convine
Ruby Benn
Sophie Robinson
Kallan Hancock
Drew Ludlow
Nash Stephens
Payton Fuller
Slater Gould
Kobee Hammond
Myles Elwell
Travis Wills
Charlotte Hogg
Sophia Turner
Lucas Appleby
Ted Richards
Abigail Hannah
Charlotte Evans
Eden Flocchini
Ruby O'Neill and
Sienna Moss who recently celebrated their birthday and to
Ariah Whitney-Thompson and
Nevaeh Dennis who celebrate tomorrow.